
Experiential learning on Climate Literacy and Awareness in early education schools of deprived communities – CLIMATE EARLY

Few words about the project:

The CLIMATE EARLY project, is a small scale project that aims to merge the varying expertise of the consortium to advance knowledge on the environment among primary educators and students, raise awareness on issues that impact the
environment upon which we all depend, as well as deliver actions to improve and sustain it.

The project objectives are to enhance the quality of early education teaching in deprived areas in environmentally conscientious ways and in the context of sustainable development. Considering there is a need to provide information and experiential experiences to children on important environmental issues, the project is being proposed at the right time, inspiring educators and students to become responsibly equipped for a better tomorrow, with greater environmental awareness.

Our First Transnational Partners Metting:
On the 31st of January and on the 1st of February, Friends of the Earth had the pleasure to host the first TMP of Climate Ealy project in Valletta, Malta. The project coordinator, RESET (Cyprus) welcomed all the project partners: FOEM (Malta), Pelentri Elementary School (Cyprus), Trimiklini Elementary School (Cyprus)

The first day started with the presentation of each partner institution and with a general introduction to the project by the coordinator. Afterwards, A1 (Project Management) was presented by RESET which leads WP1. Later, FOEM presented A2 (The Training PACKAGE) and A3 (The Climate EARLY Classroom and Field Labs) where a further discussion took place along with the school teachers (Trimiklini Elementary School & Pelentri Elementart School) to express their own ideas on this matter. The first day meeting ended with a presentation followed on A4 (The Climate Early Knowledge Sharing Platform) by RESET.

Later that night all partners met for the social dinner in a traditional restaurant in the lovely area of the Three Cities. This was a great opportunity for the partners to get to know each other better!

On the second day the partners discussed the last activity of the project, which is Dissemination & Sustainability and it was presented by RESET. Afterwards all the partners discussed thoroughly the next steps of the project for the following months.

Later on, FOEM with a great joy took the partners in their headquarters. The partners had the pleasure to see firsthand how the organization works.

The day ended with a tour in the old city of Mdina, and a walk on the wonderful Dingli cliffs!!!

The next Transnational Project Meeting will take place in Cyprus in January 2024 and it will be hosted by RESET.

Partners will have their next online meeting in March 2023.